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Delaware DNA Conference Talks Workforce Ecosystem, Innovation

An article in the Delaware Business Times highlights insights from Jay Biggins, Executive Managing Director at BLS & Co., when he presented at the Delaware BioScience Association's DNA conference in May 2024. Biggins discussed strategies for creating robust ecosystems in Delaware's pharmaceutical industry. Read more from the article below:

"When it came to building an ecosystem, panelists like Jay Biggins, executive director of site selection consultant Biggins Lacy Shapiro & Company and Maryland Tech Council CEO Kelly Schulz pointed out that thinking of Delaware as a part of a group rather than an island can help move the needle.

'The only things that really matter as a state or jurisdiction are the tax policy and having sites ready. We all know how quickly decisions are made for site selection, and particularly for life sciences companies, it can be uncertain' Biggins said. 'Access to talent is also mission critical. Real estate costs are always a big number, but if you can’t find the talent, you can’t afford it. So that means locations like Delaware must demonstrate the most sustainable and durable commitment to workforce development, being keyed into what the industry needs.'"

Jay Biggins

Executive Managing Director

Jay is the Executive Managing Director at Biggins Lacy Shapiro & Co., one of the most highly regarded site selection and incentives advisory firms in North America. BLS & Co. helps manage the complexities associated with finding optimal locations and securing incentives to support new ventures.

Delaware Business Times
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