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US Industrial Site Shortage Drives Rural Investment

A lack of suitable industrial sites near major US metro areas is forcing manufacturers to look at Tier 2 cities and rural communities for their investment projects, according to a new survey of site selectors.

In the report, released on April 5 by the Site Selectors Guild (SSG) trade body, 82% of the 68 site selectors surveyed globally strongly agreed that the availability of development-ready sites with sufficient infrastructure capacity will be the top driver of where companies decide to set up their production facilities in 2024.

The report called upon locations to invest more into infrastructure and certify development-ready industrial sites to make themselves more competitive to manufacturers expanding in the US.

“Everything is moving at a faster pace,” said Michelle Comerford, leader of industrial and supply chain practice at Biggins Lacy Shapiro & Co, in the report. “If you are a community that truly wants to attract new jobs and investment … you must get your sites and infrastructure prepared ahead of these search inquiries.”

Michelle Comerford

Project Director / Industrial & Supply Chain Practice Leader

Michelle Comerford is the Industrial & Supply Chain Practice Leader at Biggins Lacy Shapiro & Co., one of the largest, most highly regarded site selection and incentives advisory firms in North America. BLS & Co. helps manage the complexities associated with finding optimal location and securing incentives to support new ventures. Michelle has recently been published in fDi Magazine, Inbound Logistics, Trade & Industry Development, Supply & Demand Chain Executive, among others.

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